For all enquiries, please contact the Mental Health Information Foundation, also known as 'PsykOpp'. PsykOpp is responsible for the practical organisation of the conference, whilst Stavanger University  Hospital Mental Health Services has the overall responsibility for the scientific program.

PsykOpp is a non-profit Foundation, established in 1989 with the dual aims of raising knowledge and awareness about mental health issues, and combatting stigma.

During the conference you'll find us at conference reception. We look forward to seeing you there! 

Stiftelsen Psykiatrisk Opplysning, Kirkegaten 40, 4006 Stavanger Tel. (00 47) 51 93 88 00  Org. nr. 970 939 377

Stavanger Forum is the conference venue for Schizofrenidagene 2024. Stavanger Forum is a 15 minute drive from Sola airport Stavanger, and a 5 minute drive from Stavanger city centre. The majority of the conference centre facilities are accessible for wheelchair users. The conference centre has disabled toilets at ground floor level. There are two large parking facilities at the conference centre:  
P-Forum og P-Siddis

Stavanger Forum Hotel: Single room kr 1 395, double room kr 1 595. Ring 00 47 51 93 00 00 or e-mail:
Booking code 30342040

Hotel: Clarion Energy, next door to Stavanger Forum. Ring 00 47 51 34 78 00 or e-mail

As an annual event with over 5000 participants, we think a lot about how we can be as environmentally-friendly as possible. 

During the conference we use eco-friendly certificated hotels, we print (where necessary) on recycled paper, serve local produce for lunch, use eco-taxis, and rely where possible on digital communication forms.

We are proud to be a non-profit concern, organised by Stavanger University Hospital Mental Health Services, the Mental Health Foundation and a range of statutory and non-statutory bodies. You can rest assured that your conference fee goes wholly to cover the costs of the conference and is not used for private gain.

We'd like your stay at the conference to be as comfortable and convenient as possible. Here's some useful info to help that happen:

You'll be given your name badge when you register. Please wear it at all times while at the conference or associated events.

A fully-updated printed programme is available from conference reception.

Presentations released by speakers will be posted in the conference app after the conference.

Proof of attendance will be available in conference reception from Friday 8th November. If you were only registered for one/two days, please contact conference reception for assistance. 

Parallel workshops: If you haven't chosen your parallel in advance you can choose on the day. The conference app/paper programme will tell you which parallels still have places available. 

There will be a complementary shuttle bus from Stavanger city centre to Stavanger Forum Thursday 07. og Friday 08. November. The bus, clearly marked 'Schizofrenidagene', will leave Kiellandshagen, Haakon VII Street (in Cathedral Square, next to Kongsgård High School) at 830am both days. Bus from the airport Wednesday 06. November 9am/to the airport Friday 8. November 3.45pm - tickets costing NOK 150 each way can be bought  via the registration form. The bus from the airport is marked 'Schizofrenidagene' and will be waiting outside the arrival hall.

The airport bus Flybussen   passes the conference centre several times a day. There are also good bus connections to the city centre, roughly every ten minutes - more information here

The footpath from the conference centre to the city centre passes through the beautiful Mosvannspark; the walk takes about 25 minutes.

Interested in reducing your carbon footprint? We can help you!

Sørtoget (Southern Rail) operates from Oslo in the East to Stavanger in the West. The Oslo-Stavanger train takes around 8 hours, and there are several departures per day. There is also a local train between Stavanger and Eigersund with many departures per day. 

With Fjord Line  you can drop the long drive/stressful plane ride between Bergen and Stavanger, and take a relaxing boattrip.

On the coast bus, Kystbussen you can relax and enjoy the beautiful coastal landscape between Bergen and Stavanger. There are 13 departures per day, and the coach stops by Stord, Sveio, Haugesund, Tysvær og Rennesøy.

Loan a city bike whilst you're here? In 2020 local bus company Kolumbus  lauched its brand new city cycles - more information here