Scandinavia's largest, longest-running mental health conference
30+ years of Schizofrenidagene
Since its inception in 1989 the annual mental health conference 'Schizofrenidagene' in Stavanger has developed into a conference arena that is unique in both national and international contexts.
Presenting the work of distinguished clinicians and researchers of the highest international standards, the conference has become a key meeting-point for mental health professionals. As Scandinavia's largest and longest-running interdisciplinary mental health festival, the week-long event has become an unmissable arena for networking, recharging professional batteries, and catching up with the latest developments in mental health care and culture.
Welcome to Schizofrenidagene - the highlight of the mental health year!
Schizofrenidagene 2024 is organised by Stavanger University Hospital Mental Health Services and the non-profit Mental Health Information Foundation, in collaboration with a wide range of statutory and non-statutory bodies:
RVTS West (Resource Centre West, on Violence, Traumatic Stress and Suicide Prevention), Bergen Health Authority, Stavanger City Council, Sandnes City Council, TIPS (Early Intervention for Psychosis) Stavanger, University of Stavanger, Sola District Psychiatric Centre.
The conference is appreciative of the financial support it receives from Stavanger City Council, the Inge Steensland Foundation, and Rogaland County Council.
Green and non-profit As an annual event with over 5000 participants, we think a lot about how we can be as environmentally-friendly as possible.
During the conference we use eco-friendly certified hotels, we print (where necessary) on recycled paper, serve local produce for lunch, use eco-taxis, and rely where possible on digital communication forms.
We are proud to be a non-profit concern, organised by Stavanger University Hospital Mental Health Services, the Mental Health Information Foundation and a range of statutory and non-statutory bodies.
You can rest assured that your conference fee goes wholly to cover the cost of the conference and is not used for private gain.
Organisasjonskomite, Schizofrenidagene 2024: Cecilie Sunde Hetland, psykologspesialist; faglig leder Schizofrenidagene 2024; Geir Fiskå, psykologfaglig rådgiver; faglig leder, Schizofrenidagene 2023; Elin Skogen, Daglig leder, Stiftelsen PsykOpp; organisatorisk leder, Schizofrenidagene; Lars Ravn Øhlckers, Psykologfaglig rådgiver/Psykologspesialist, PH BURA ; Målfrid J Frahm Jensen, forfatter/erfaringskonsulent, PsykOpp; Dag Øystein Nordanger, psykologspesialist, RVTS Vest; Jan Olav Johannessen, pensj. overlege, tidl. forskningssjef, Helse Stavanger; Jon Fauskanger Bjåstad, psykologspesialist/forskningssjef, SUS KPHV; Jon Vidar Strømstad, miljøterapeutiskfaglig rådgiver, Helse Stavanger; Aida Naqasha, Konferanseansvarlig, PsykOpp; Henriette Grimsby Rafoss, psykologfaglig rådgiver KPHV, faglig leder Schizofrenidagene 2022; Liv Sand, psykologspesialist; poliklinikkleder ved BUP Hinna; Jan –Erik Nilsen, faglig rådgiver, SUS; Kjetil Hustoft, assisterende klinikksjef, SUS KPHV; Kristine Rørtveit, Klinisk spesialist i psyk.spl./Seniorrådgiver, Helse Stavanger; Dordi Anne Kindingstad, fagleder, Stavanger kommune; Olav Thorsen, forsker; Cecilie Brøvig Almås, rådgiver fag/ psykologspesialist, Sørlandet sykehus; Gry Stålsett, psykologspesialist, Modum Bad/førsteamanuensis MF vitenskapelig høyskole.